My latest in Forbes: How To Handle Negative Customer Reviews: Eight Expert Tips
A business is built on the reputation it gets through its dealings. Not all the press a company receives will be positive, however. Depending on how the consumers see the business, a company might have mixed reviews on social media.
While you might think that positive reviews are the only thing that can aid the company, there are several critical benefits that negative reviews offer as well. Unfortunately, in the haste to do damage control, many small businesses overlook the takeaways contained within these negative comments.
1. Respond Fast
When your company gets a negative review, it's imperative to respond fast to stop the damage. You don't want that reviewer to leave more negative reviews on other sites or post about a negative experience on social media. When posting a negative review online, people want to know that their opinion was heard. By responding quickly, it shows you care and it gives people the satisfaction of knowing that they were heard. Once a dialogue with the customer is started, they are much less likely to continue the negative postings and reviews. - Ben Walker, Transcription Outsourcing, LLC
2. Use Them As A Learning Experience
It takes eight excellent experiences to motivate customers to leave a positive review, but only one subpar experience can compel them to leave a negative review. However, when you treat the negative reviews as learning experiences instead of roadblocks, they can often take your business to new heights. Bad reviews are an opportunity for introspection. Raise a red flag with every single negative review you encounter and delve deep into what caused the disconnect and dissatisfaction. Work on taking corrective actions while letting the reviewers know that you are actively working on the resolution of their issues. Taking such a proactive approach would not only propel your team to achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction, but would also result in reviewers becoming lifelong engaged customers. - Rahul Varshneya, CurveBreak
3. Show You're Listening
There's always something to be learned from listening to customer feedback—and you often learn a lot more from negative feedback than positive. It could be that you made a mistake or that you didn't communicate expectations clearly enough. Whatever the reason for the issue, truly listen to the client, reflect on their feedback, validate their concerns and express empathy and gratitude for their time and experience. Make the changes necessary to keep people happy. - Rachel Beider, PRESS Modern Massage
4. Hug The Haters
When someone leaves you a review that is less than stellar, you can ignore them, put them on blast or you can do what you should do, which is hug the haters. What can you learn from a negative review? The hater was a customer? Sure it's bad, but they took time to leave you a review and they must care. If the hater specifically mentioned parts of your process that need attention, they paid attention. In some way, the haters are quality control and they are on your side! So how to best handle this? Have an online reputation management service. Respond to all reviews. Thank the haters, ID the problem in the response, end by thanking them again and offering to continue the conversation offline. Positive reviews are good to have, but when it comes to haters, give them a hug! - Magnus Simonarson, Consultwebs
5. Attract Attention To Them
Use your negative review to launch a new product or service. Obviously, when the negative review first appears online or comes to your attention, you should address the reviewer and try to fix the situation.In the long run, using a negative review as part of a broader strategy to launch a new business is really successful. Using a negative review to launch something new has the effect of subconsciously creating trust in your client or user. Launching something to address a complaint shows that your business solves problems and takes action, not just giving an apology and showing remediation efforts. In the long run, you will be gaining much more business using this approach of building trust. If you wanted to profit off the approach even more, you could have the original complainant endorse the new product or service. - Matthew Capala, Alphametic
6. Prove The Customer Wrong
To turn a negative review around, prove that customer wrong. Exceed their expectations by going above and beyond to assist them and make them happy. This gives you the opportunity to not just show them, but other customers as well how your business handles customer support. You can show them that you take your service to the next level and want to tend to their needs. - Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms
7. Offer Something Tangible Or Specific
Every negative review can be an opportunity to show customers that you care about their needs. We've often seen responses to online reviews where businesses ask customers to reach out to them to make up for the bad experience. However, it's more sincere and meaningful if you offer something unhappy customers will benefit from, such as a refund or a gift card. Respond to negative feedback and offer an apology where needed, but also back it up with a helpful "peace offering." - Blair Williams, MemberPress
8. Track Them Qualitatively And Quantitatively
Reviews can tell management and teams a lot about how they can improve. You should be keeping track of the negative reviews qualitatively with a spreadsheet that identifies key product or experience issues. This type of tracking will give you an idea of how big the problem is and assign a priority to fixing the problem with the appropriate team members. Perhaps it's a new software bug that is affecting 20% of your users, and it's probably a big deal to pass this onto the software team to have them fix it, but other issues might not be as pressing, rather just minor annoyances. Every issue should be assigned a priority level. Lastly, actually reading the reviews will give you a qualitative perspective and let you know what problems really irritate customers. - Andy Karuza, FenSens