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Rachel in Forbes: Seven Ways Business Owners Can Create A Strong Leadership Team

Every business needs strong leadership to survive and grow. As a small-business owner, you may start out being the sole leader, but as your company evolves, you'll likely need to hire additional managers as you delegate oversight of the day-to-day operations.

1. Look For Empathy

I always look for empathy. Can this person put themselves in the shoes of our customers and our team members? I think this is at the root of fostering relationships, creating dynamic and engaged teams and building a product that really speaks to people’s hearts and makes them feel connected to the brand. - Lindsay Tanne, LogicPrep

2. Foster Trust And Collaboration

One of the best ways to create a strong leadership team is to foster an environment of trust and collaboration. This means creating an open and supportive environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their ideas, opinions and concerns. When team members feel secure and empowered, they are more likely to take ownership of their roles, work together and help reach goals. - Rachel Beider, PRESS Modern Massage

3. Use Your Values As Your 'North Star'

Identify your personal values and use those as the north star for the type of people you want to surround yourself with. Then, use those values to identify your company values and use those as your guide when interviewing candidates. My personal values include integrity and compassion, and our company values include efficiency and tenacity. When hiring, I look for all four of those characteristics. - Givelle Lamano, Lamano Law Office

4. Allow Autonomy

Allow your key leadership team members the autonomy to make decisions and take ownership of their roles. Empowerment will lead to their investment in the team's success and can foster innovation, ownership and accountability. This improves their performance and promotes a sense of pride and investment in the success of the organization. - Candice Georgiadis, Digital Day

5. Focus On Leader Development

Leadership struggles are common in companies. To ensure your top team is set up with the best possible chance of success—and to avoid costly derailment scenarios—focusing on leader development through strategic, proactive coaching and training is mandatory. Leadership development works because it is strategic; it's not a one-time event but rather an ongoing process to prepare for transitions. - Tonika Bruce, Lead Nicely, Inc.

6. Bring In Different Points Of View

A strong leadership team is the most important part of any business. A business owner can create a strong leadership team by hiring someone who has a different point of view from their own, who is willing to communicate openly and honestly and who will go to bat for the company. This allows for a diverse and well-informed decision-making process. - Kristin Kimberly Marquet, Marquet Media, LLC

7. Lead By Example

It's best that you guide others through your actions and behavior. This attitude will pave the way for others and inspire them to walk in your footsteps. To create successful leaders, you have to show them how it's done and be a beacon that leads to the destination. This works because words may have a momentary impact, but it's your actions that drive perpetual results. - Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms